AFX Mega-G+ Tune Up Kit with Front & Rear Tires


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AFX Mega-G+ Tune Up Kit with Front & Rear Tires

Unlike most HO cars that are designed to be thrown away once they break, AFX cars are built to last. But, no car – real, HO or otherwise, will run forever without a little maintenance every so often.

Use our New & Improved Tune-Up Kit now with Front White Lettered Tires for your routine maintenance and ensure your AFX car stomps the competition for years to come!

This kit includes two pairs of pick-up shoes – one pair for a long wheelbase chassis (like our Audi R18s and Le Mans Prototype cars) and another pair for a short wheelbase chassis (like our full-bodied and stocker cars). Remember, short shoes will not fit on a long chassis and vice versa.

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