Contact info: (832) 779-6041 Monday thru Friday 10am to 5pm Central Time Due to High Call Volume, please leave a detailed message
Cockpit P51D Red Tail 1400mm
Wing Bolt Plate P47 980mm
Wheel Set: Edge 540 750mm
Pipe: Edge 540 750mm
Linkage Rod: Edge 540 750mm
Spinner: Edge 540 750mm
Main Landing Gear Set: Edge 540 750mm
Cowl: Edge 540 750mm
Horizontal Stabilizer: Edge 540 750mm
Linkage Rods: Easy Trainer 1280 V2
Link Rods Easy Trainer 1280mm
Main Wing Set: Easy Trainer 1280 V2
Sticker ASK23 2300mm
Main Wing Easy Trainer 800mm
Fuselage Blue Stagger 1100mm
Screw Set HS-123 1100mm
Spinner HS-123 1100mm
Battery Cover HS-123 1100mm
Screw Set F4U 1700mm
Rear Door P51D Red Tail 1700mm
Foam Canopy P51D 1700mm
Main Wing Set F4U 800mm V2
Fuselage F4U 800mm V2
75g Digital Metal Gear Servo, Reverse
6 Second Sequencer: A-10 V2 70mm EDF PNP
6 Second Door Sequencer
Linkage Rod: F4U V3
Main Wing Bolt Plate: F4U V3
Battery Hatch: F4U V3
Rudder: F4U V3
Decal Sheet: CJ-6 V2
Linkage Rod: CJ-6 V2
Front Landing Gear System: CJ-6 V2
Antenna: CJ-6 V2
Oil Cooler Vent: CJ-6 V2
Pitot Tube: CJ-6 V2
Linkage Rod P51D 800mm V2
Oil Tank P51D BBD 800mm
Battery Tray: Pitts 1400mm V2
Linkage Rod Set: Pitts 1400mm V2