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UMX Pitts S-1S BNF Basic with AS3X and SAFE Select
Decal Sheet: Habu STS 70mm EDF
Aluminum Motor Mount Set: C-Z Splendor, C-Z Cub, C-Z Cessna 150
Stab Set: Carbon-Z Cub
Folding Prop/Spinner: Opterra
Hatch: Opterra 1.2m
Radio and Battery Hatch: Carbon-Z Cub SS 2m
Wing Screws and Hoops: DRACO 2.0m
Tail Shock (1pc): DRACO 2.0m
Stabilizer: Ultra Stick 1.1m
Tailwheel Assembly: Ultra Stick 1.1m
Spinner; 50mm: Ultra Stick 1.1m
Screw Set: Ultra Stick 1.1m
Prop Adapter: Ultra Stick 1.1m
Twin Timber 1.6m PNP
Fuselage: Twin Timber 1.5m
Wing Set: Twin Timber 1.5m
Wing Leading Edge Slat Set: Twin Timber 1.5m
Horizontal Stab Set with Joiner: Twin Timber 1.5m
Battery Hatch & Canopy: Twin Timber 1.5m
Cowl Set Left and Right: Twin Timber 1.5m
Spinner Black Right Side: Twin Timber 1.5m
Prop Adapter Left Side: Twin Timber 1.5m
Prop Adapter Right Side: Twin Timber 1.5m
Motor Mount with 3-Screws: Twin Timber 1.5m
Motor Plug Set: Twin Timber 1.5m
Wing Plug Set: Twin Timber 1.5m
Wing and Stab Tubes: Twin Timber 1.5m
Pushrod Set: Twin Timber 1.5m
Pushrod Keepers: Twin Timber 1.5m
Plastic Part Set: Twin Timber 1.5m
LED Controller: Twin Timber 1.5m
Decal Set: Twin Timber 1.5m
Fuselage: Apprentice S 15e RTF
Apprentice STS 1.5m BNF Basic Smart Trainer with SAFE
Cowl: Timber
Prop Adapter: Timber, Opterra
Wing and Stab Tube: Timber
Prop Adapter: Cherokee 1.3m
Wing Set: F-16 70mm EDF