Contact info: (832) 779-6041 Monday thru Friday 10am to 5pm Central Time Due to High Call Volume, please leave a detailed message
UltraCote, 1/2" White & Red Squares
UltraCote, Corsair Blue
UltraCote, Turquoise
UltraCote, Safety Orange
UltraCote, Transparent
UltraCote, Light Gray
UltraCote, Cream
UltraCote, Black
UltraCote, White
UltraCote, Pearl Purple
UltraCote, Pearl White
UltraCote Fluorescent Transparent Yellow
UltraTrim, Dark Yellow
UltraStripe, Silver 1/4"
UltraStripe, Cub Yellow 1/4"
UltraStripe, Deep Blue 1/4"
UltraStripe, Deep Red 1/16"
UltraCote ParkLite, Bright Yellow
3-1/2" Aluminum Spinner P51
Mighty Midget Igniter NiMh 1800mAh
Fuel Tank 450cc (15 oz): Pawnee Brave 20cc
Fuselage: Pawnee Brave 20cc
Hardware Set: 1/5-Scale Float
Landing Gear Dampers: Carbon Cub FX-3 100-200cc
2x Seats+Anntena: XCub 60cc
Pushrod Set: Valiant 10cc
Window Set: Valiant 10cc
Right Wing: Valiant 30cc
Cowlings (2): OV-10 Bronco 20cc
Wing Panel; Center: OV-10 Bronco 20cc
OV-10 Bronco 20cc ARF, 84” with Landing Gear Set
Hardware Pack: Meridian 10cc
Cowling: Meridian 10cc
Wing Transport Frames: Christen Eagle II 90 ARF
Spinner Nut, 5/16"-24
UltraCote, 4" Yellow & Red Squares
EP Mounting Box: J-3 Cub 10cc ARF, 82.5"
Hardware Set: J-3 Cub 10cc, 82.5"
Stabilizer with Elevators: J-3 Cub 10cc ARF, 82.5"
UltraCote, 1/2" White & Black Squares