Contact info: (832) 779-6041 Monday thru Friday 10am to 5pm Central Time Due to High Call Volume, please leave a detailed message
Camera Mount: Stratocam
Brushed 180 Motor Set (2)
Tail Wheel: Super Cub LP
Screw Set: Apprentice STOL 700
Spinner with Screw: Apprentice STOL 700
Hatch: Apprentice STOL 700
Landing Gear Set: T-28 Trojan S
Landing Gear Set: Duet
Sport Cub S 2 BNF Basic with SAFE
2306-2250 Motor with Nut Spacer Bolts: AeroScout
Horizontal Stab Set: AeroScout
Vortex Generators: Carbon Cub S+ 1.3m
Cowl: Carbon Cub S+ 1.3m
Prop Adapter: Mini Apprentice
Tail Set: Mini Apprentice S
Propeller and Spinner: P-51D Mustang 450mm
Duet S 2 RTF, with Battery and Charger
Replacement Body Red: Rezo
Fuselage: Conscendo Advanced
Battery Hatch: Firebird Stratos
Rubber Bands (6): Cub
Landing Gear with Tires: Super Cub LP
Hardware Set: Apprentice STOL 700
Wing Bolts: Apprentice STOL 700
3-in-1 Flight Controller: Mini AeroScout
Bare Fuselage: Champ S+
Pushrod/Control Horns: Sport Cub S
Prop (2) with Prop Hub: AeroScout
AeroScout S 2 1.1m and RealFlight Trainer Success Program Ultimate Combo
Battery Hatch: Carbon Cub S+ 1.3m
Main Wing: Carbon Cub S+ 1.3m
Spinner 34mm: Mini Apprentice S
Wing Set: Mini Apprentice S
Horizontal Tail: Conscendo S
Pushrod/Control Horn Set: Delta Ray
Cowl: Glasair
Decal Sheet, Water-slide: Apprentice STOL 700
Motor Collet: Apprentice STOL 700
Fuselage with Tail: Apprentice STOL 700
Main Landing Gear: Mini AeroScout